An open mat is a training session in martial arts, combat sports, and grappling that allows practitioners to train in a less structured environment than a traditional class. During an open mat, participants are free to work on their own techniques and drills, spar with other practitioners, or simply observe and learn from others. Open mats can be a great way to get additional practice time, to work on specific techniques or areas of weakness, or to get feedback from other practitioners. Open mats are often informal and can be held in a variety of locations, such as gyms, parks, or even in someone's home. They are a great way to build a sense of community among martial arts and combat sports practitioners, and can provide an opportunity to network and make new friends. However, it is important to approach open mats with caution and respect for others, as they are often unstructured and can involve higher levels of intensity than a traditional class. Overall, open mats are a valuable training tool for martial arts and combat sports practitioners of all levels, and can provide a fun and supportive environment to further develop their skills.


Sunday 10:00 - 12:00
